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Farmland and Open Space Preservation Survey Results

In the July of 2007, the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Committee commissioned a survey of town residents. Approximately 5,727 surveys were mailed to every property owner in the Town. The survey was also available on-line and several places around town.

With 1,686 residents responding, the response rate to the survey was astounding. Normally surveys result in a 5 to 10 percent response rate. The survey had a response rate of 29.4 percent or nearly 1/3 of the town's households.

1. In your view, which best describes the character of the Town of Parma?
Rural: 1,022 60.6%
Agricultural: 487 28.9%
Suburban: 300 17.8%
Urban: 9 0.5%

2. Do you believe that it is important to preserve farmland and open space in Parma?

Yes 1,591 94.4%
No 65 3.9%

Please Rate the following based upon how important each item is to you (1-10)

Avg Response
3. Preserving Parma's rural character 8.910
4. Preserving farmland and encourage local farming 9.013
5. Preserving open space as defined above 7.481
6. Community character to your quality of life 9.078
7. Preserving local historic resources 8.692
8. Preserving natural streams and watersheds 8.579
9. Promote water-front access along Lake Ontario and town creeks 9.423
10. Preserving natural habitats of migratory birds, plants and animals 7.946
11. Preserving natural wetlands and woodlands 9.144
12. Promote public active and passive recreational areas 9.144

13. In your estimation, what percentage of the town is actively farmed today?

0 to 20: 238 14.1%
21 to 40: 695 41.2%
41 to 60: 503 29.8%
61 to 80: 170 10.1%
81 to 100: 6 0.4%

14. In your estimation, what percentage of the town is developed?

0 to 20: 110 6.5%
21 to 40: 629 37.3%
41 to 60: 594 35.2%
61 to 80: 250 14.8%
81 to 100: 23 1.4%

15. Do you support the town in efforts to preserve farmland and open space?

Yes: 1,584 94.0%
No: 71 4.2%

16. What is your age group?

18 to 25: 16 0.9%
26 to 35: 93 5.5%
36 to 45: 298 17.7%
46 to 65: 865 51.3%
Over 65: 390 23.1%

"Without local farmland, there is no local food." (AFT)

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Parma Town Hall
1300 Hilton Parma Corners Rd.
P.O. Box 728
Hilton, NY 14468
585-392-9461 . Fax: 585-392-6659

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